edgar antonio arroyo

Open Source portafolio

tororu text editor

I like writing, but wasn't feeling really comfortable with any existing writing tool.
I was just searching for something minimalistic, distraction free that allows 
me to write and know how many words I have. 
That's why I created tororu, a progressive web app for writting.
[ Repository - App ]


When building tororu text editor, I need a way to persist local data for a web application.
I didn't wanted to build any backend, I wanted to make a simple frontend single page web application 
that people can use to write. Localstorage was there but I wanted to implemented in a escalable,
mantainable way. Thanks why i created japiDB, a library for persistance in the frontend.
[ Repository - Docs ]


A minimalist, plug and ready, react table with interesting features like conditional 
cell styling. The table is fully responsive and easy to implement and also, pretty customisable.
[ Repository - Docs ]